Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Ok, Ok. One more thing. Let the record reflect I'm not your fuckin problem. You have abso-FUCKIN-lutely no issue with me. Your issue is you detest all that I represent. I'm a single, educated black woman; full of spunk and I KNOW how to treat a man. You, you're cool too. I will not take one single solitary thing from you. You're a pretty girl with a lot going for yourself. You're only problem is you think I'M your problem.

I will reiterate, I'm not the issue. Your man is the issue. Did he tell you about how he strokes my hair and not my walls. Or how he grabs my cheeks---the ones on my face that is. I'm sure it bothers you that he enjoys my writing more than any half naked picture I could ever send. Or how he tells me about his dreams and aspirations not what he'd do if we were alone together. And we're were alone together we laugh uncontrollably and he looks deeeeeeeep in my eyes and has that look on his face like he got lost. And we can stand their for hours doing nothing except being.

He didn't have to tell you because you feel it in your spirit. Every text, every Facebook message, every email sent in the whee hours of the morning or the middle of the day, stand as a constant reminder that he just won't shake me.

I'm going to walk away again! Let's make this the FOURTH time, I've had to turn my feelings off for yours. Have at, sweetheart. He's my friend but your boyfriend nonetheless. Do me a favor. This time you tell him to stop talking to me, k? lo

Let's Be Honest

To be perfectly honest, I'm good. I just need to eliminate other people's bullshit from my life......thank you and God Bless.

Monday, May 30, 2011


And I'm just spilling over with emotion

Messed up and let him taste the potion

but I'm not trippin because I'm always coastin

Feelings kept in a box under my bed

I'm not stalking his life or making his wrongs right

Could give two shits about what he's doing tonight

Because my feelings are locked in a box

Under my bed

I'm just laying here wonder why I can see the forever

but the right now is stuck in a purgatory of

hell no and never

And I can't seem to rationalize all the rational lies I've heard and said

My feelings?

Check the box under my bed.

I just don't have time to teach myself how not to feel

So I locked away the emotions to avoid the motions

Of learning to deal.

Put them the safest place I know

Stashed away a foot and a half beneath my pillow.