Thursday, April 30, 2009

You're Running...Is Somone Chasing You?

When you meet someone for the first time, it is easy to want to give them the whole kit and caboodle. Especially as a woman, we want to lay it out for a person to see all of our good attributes. This is emotional intimacy. Although we may have good intentions, this could be a major mistake. Men are like children. They can't have desert before dinner or they won't eat their peas. period. We can't give them everything in the first week. What your mothers said was true, "Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?" This goes way beyond holding out on giving up the goodies. It has a lot to do with your time, your spirit and just all around who you are as a person. You've allowed someone entry into your palace and they haven't paid the entrance fee!

Getting to know me should be like a well organized scavenger hunt. You read the clues and move on to the next adventure. You don't get the prize until you've done the work!!! Don't jump into emotional intimacy with anyone who hasn't done the work to warrant that type of relationship. Only give as much as you're willing to lose. For example, my time is very valuable to me, so, I don't like my time wasted on anything! With that being said, I can only give you my time if I truly believe you see it as being as valuable as I do. This becomes extremely problematic because once we've given too much then we resent the other person for not giving as much. We hate them for not giving equally when there was never any intentions of doing so! Now you mad! lol

Guard your heart and only allow access to those who are truly worthy. This keeps things cool and light-hearted. Now don't become cold and isolated, just be more discerning of who you take in. It can be illustrated as two people playing tag. If I tag you and start running and you never attempt to chase me....that means you don't want to play anymore! lol However, if you tag me back that means you want to play! Ladies...make sure you aren't running without anyone chasing you!

1 comment:

  1. with this post you have officially become my favorite blog.
