Thursday, April 30, 2009

Love to love to love ya....

So I'm convinced I'm in love with love. After watching the Sex and the City movie, (for the umpteenth time) I still got choked up. I just absolutely love to see love prevail. When I find someone to completely share myself with, mind, body and soul, I want to be able to tell our love story.

However (now you know this was coming), I think being in love with love is a problem for women. Essentially we have this idea that love will conquer all when in fact everyone does NOT deserve your unbridled and unconditional love. This is why, as women, we stay in relationships that are unhealthy, physically or emotionally, because we live in the fantasy that love will ultimately prevail. What we need to internalize is a man will make mistakes. He will not be perfect or without fault. Nevertheless, he will strive to be all that you need. Even in his wrongdoings, he will sincerely apologize and work to never make that mistake again.

Example: Cheating

A. He has a night of indiscretion. He's caught. He apologizes and works hard to make you regain his trust.----this may be someone that deserves a second chance

B. He has nights of indiscretion. He's caught multiple times. He apologizes. Tries to convince you that the past is the past and you need to move on.....----this is probably not someone you should waste one more breath on!

In relationships, it is important to work together to grow and flourish. No person comes into a situation knowing everything they need to know to make that relationship work. So there will be ups and downs. But before you give your all to someone make sure of these few things:

1. Is this person worthy to have all of me?---you have to start on the same page. If he's not worthy....move on.

2. Does he give as much as I do to the relationship?---relationships are allll about getting as much as you put in. The same way you don't pay $85 at Payless for a pair of shoes, is the same way you don't give your all and someone gives only 10%

3. Do honestly feel he will be open to grow and learn who I am to make this relationship better?---this is probably the most important thing. If he does not want to adapt to who you are to make the situation better.....bye bye be gone-Young Ralph

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