Thursday, April 23, 2009

Why Are You Single?

After having a very interesting conversation w/ a dear friend, I began to think about why relationships don't work. I mean we always hear the scorned lovers' biased versions it's hard to decipher what is what. However, I think I know why most relationships don't last.

1. People CHANGE!
This is a major problem because a lot of times the person you met is not the person you end up with. As a woman, you meet somebody, you two are really cool friends, you're confident, strong and independent. This is why the man is attracted to you. He even tells his friend about how cool you are and how you're not like other chicks. Then what do you go and do.......ACT LIKE OTHER CHICKS. Now all of a sudden you must call all of the time, know his every move and question every female he's ever met. He's now confused and wondering where the cool chick went! I've been guilty of this before. We all catch that moment of insecurity and kind of lose all of our common sense. It's important to keep that sense of self and not get lost in the relationship.

I'm not referring to trusting your partner, that should be a given. I'm talking about trusting in the fact that you can't control what happens. If he's gonna cheat, HE WILL; and sadly, there is nothing you can do to stop it. Worrying about what may happen will only drive you crazy. Both individuals, hopefully, are grown consenting adults that are free to do as they please. No use in losing sleep over what you can't control. If the situation does arise, you'll deal with it accordingly and move on. Not endorsing being naive, but just let things flow naturally. Have your own life and beeeee.....

This is key!!! You have got to know that his life is MUCH better w/ you in it. Be confident in your abilities to care and love your man like nobody else can. He cares about you or he probably wouldn't be with you. Think of it like this: He obviously likes what I bring to the table or he'd find somewhere else to dine! Don't be cocky though! Don't doubt that another woman sees the potential in your Boo! Play your position and play it well. Half ass'n and dick'n around will have you "Young Sad and Blue"!!!! Invest time in making your relationship better than continually analyzing what may or may not be happening.

4. Keep It Interesting
In the beginning of ALL relationships there is that certain amount of novelty and spontaneity. This will change. At some point, things will slow down and become redundant. You have to keep that spark. Relationships are like fires--if you don't do anything to keep the flames burning they will eventually blow out!! If you were looking fresh in the beginning--MAINTAIN. If you were working that domestic tip---KEEP THAT DINNER COOKED AND CLOTHES WASHED! If you were Cherokee/Pinky/SuperHead in the sheets---KEEP IT KINKY! A man's attention span is short. You want to be in his heart...but MAKE SURE you're on his MIND!

Those are my relationship tips.... I see a lot of people with these angry facebook statuses....LOL. I'm just gonna assume ya'll don't know any better and thought I'd give some sage advice.